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Newsletter No.104 10th birthday party details,

Newsletter Number 104
9th October 2006

Welcome to newsletter number 104.  Don't forget our planned 10th Birthday bash for the website at the upcoming Mercedes-Benz club of the ACT Concours, I have included the directions on how to find us. From the feedback I have to date it looks like being a great day. Also, we have the usual line up of interesting articles for you including some info on a new club for little Mercedes-Benz's.

Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks John and Sandra Green.


Mercedes-Benz club of NSW Concours.

The Mercedes-Benz club of NSW annual Concours has been run and won. It was held around Heritage Park, in the Entertainment Quarter, Fox Studios. I say "around" as the original venue of Heritage Park had to be cancelled when a large number of limbs on the various trees in the park came crashing down in the storm a few days before the Concours. The resulting shift to the roads around Heritage park made things a little squashy but none less exciting. I must say that the level of quality of the cars on display was very impressive and that if what was on display is a "snapshot" of the NSW club they they most certainly have something to be proud of.  The pictures I took on the day can be found here.

M.B Spares & Service had a trade display there and it was great to see many of our Sydney customers in person rather than just a voice on the phone. For those of you who called in to say hello, thanks. We also had our "Time warp" 300SEL on display, it attracted quite a bit of attention. We will also have this car on display at the ACT Club Concours next weekend.


Here is the list of the various Class winners:

Class WinnersClassGroupNameModelYearAwards
Best in ClassClass 1Early Models pre-1952Alex HOLLAND170VA1951 
Best in ClassClass 2Saloons, coupes & cabriolets 1953-1961.Mr & Mrs NIKOLA220SE1959Engine Bay Award & Restored Vehicle Award
Runner UpClass 2Saloons, coupes & cabriolets 1953-1961.Ian HAMILTON190B1958 
Best in ClassClass 3Coupes & roadsters 1954-1963Marinus van FLORESTEIN190SL1962 
Runner UpClass 3Coupes & roadsters 1954-1963John Paul URIZAR190SL1959Peoples' Choice
Best in ClassClass 4Limousines 1952-1981Roger SULLIVAN300d limo1958 
Best in ClassClass 5Saloons 1959-1968Mirsad BEGLEROVIC2001965 
Runner UpClass 5Saloons 1959-1968Lynn HARRISON220Sb1961 
Best in ClassClass 6Coupes & cabriolets 1961-1972Geoff & Lisa ODGERS220SEb1965Long Distance Award
Runner UpClass 6Coupes & cabriolets 1961-1972Bruce FAIRLIE220 SE Coupe1963 
Best in ClassClass 7Saloons 1965-1972Craig TUCKER300SEL6.31971 
Runner UpClass 7Saloons 1965-1972Hezekiah S.T. LING250SE1966