Newsletter No.073 History lesson part 2, MB club rally
Newsletter Number 73
12th April 2004
Welcome. This newsletter we have some sad news. After six years of loyal service, Bob Edwards, our Spares Manager, is leaving us this week to take up a career in a different industry. I know that all of you who have had contact with him will wish him all the best for his future. To date we have not filled his position, so if any of you have aspirations to work in Spare parts, or know somebody who does, please let me know.
I am going to Tasmania for two weeks, so Chris Righton, our Service manager, and Scott Johnston (one of our technicians) will be filling in for the Spares manager in my absence. This may cause some minor delays in answering e-mailed spares requests so if you have an urgent requirement please use the toll free number 1300 787 300.
Whilst mentioning the toll free number I need to point out that this number can not be dialled from a mobile phone or a public phone. When you dial the 1300 number you are charged for a local call and we are charged for the balance of the STD charges. If you need to ring us from a mobile or public phone you need to ring the normal land line on 02 6239 1099
Also in this Newsletter is an extension of last Newsletters interesting history lesson, another "What the?" and the usual line up of jokes and interesting cars.
Thanks John Green.
What the?
Only four replies to last newsletters "What the" and only two correct answers. These were:
Howard Fulford
Peter Brdar
The car is a W187 Type 220 sedan. It is definately a sedan, as you can clearly see the B pillar. One of the incorrect answers was that it was a W186, however the height of the mudguard is not high enough for this model. This is the chassis number for a 300 sedan. Check out these links to see some pictures of an original sales brochure for both the Type 220 and Type 300
The "what the' for this newsletter is to name the model (not chassis type) of the car in Joke of the week.
Mercedes-Benz Club Rally
Back in newsletter number 60 we had the info for the Bi-annual Mercedes-Benz clubs of Australia rally that is to be held in Brisbane from the 9th to the 12th of this month. Well, after two years of organization the time has come for the Queensland club to host their rally. To those of you that are going I hope you all have a great time. This will be the first rally I have missed for 18 years as I am heading in the opposite direction to Tasmania. If any of the Newsletter readers are going I would love some digital pics and a bit of a story to put in the next newsletter.
For those Newsletter readers that live around Brisbane but are not attending there will be a display day at Southbank 9:00am to 1:00pm next Monday (12th). Cars are displayed and judged according to decade.
History lesson.
I received a few interesting e-mails following the pictures of the 130H in the last Newsletter. Here are two of them:
I will see if I can get our Number plate expert to give us some more details and see if I can chase down the location of the "other" 130H.
Joke of the week.
I was sent an e-mail the other day by one of our suppliers titled "Why Men die before Women!" It contained various shots of men "checking out" women and injuring them selves as a result of not watching that they were doing. Here is one of the shots.
Links of the week.
Here is a link to a great site based in Germany the runs classifieds for Classic cars. They also do a monthly newsletter and recently had a great artical on the 190SL.
Back in Newsletter No.59 I wrote about the Fox Collection, Here is a link to there website.
The 280SE 3.5 has been sold and is now with a new loving owner.
The price on the 1997 C180 has been reduced to $24500.00.
Click here to see all the cars for sale.
The following cars have recently arrived for sale:
380SL 1981 roadster 140000kms
The following cars have been sold:
280SE 3.5 sedan 1972 model
Also in stock we have:
320E 1993 model 159000kms
C200 1996 model 176000kms
C180 1997model 103000kms
Collection of three factory Stretch Mercedes-Benz's
So that's it for another newsletter. Hope you liked what you saw. If you have any ideas or want to contribute any articles, pictures or other material please e-mail me here. Also, don't forget that you can check out the old newsletters here
Thanks, John Green.