Newsletter No.055 New Service Manager, Model Cars, W116 Heaters Pt 1
Newsletter Number 55
10th March 2003
Hello and welcome to another newsletter.
Hello again. Big and little cars for sale in this newsletter!!!! Also some new staff for you to meet and an illegal immigrant!
John Green.
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Spare parts,
Service department,
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Service Manager.
We have a new Service Manager. Last week Les Ingram finished up with us and we now welcome Norman Davenport to our team. Norm has over 25 years experience in the Automotive industry and is a great asset to us. He can be contacted at this e-mail address
Little cars for sale...
I have mentioned a few times that I have quite a collection of model cars. These are displayed in my office and behind the service counter. Many of our customers have asked if the cars are for sale and for many years, the answer has been NO! However, we are now glad to announce that we are going into the Model Car business!
We have several brands of cars that we will be offering for sale and are going to try to concentrate on models that are not commonly available at toy shops. The car on the right is an excellent example. There are many models of the W107 SLC on the market, but this is the only one of the famous 450SLC 5.0 (or 500SLC as it was later known) rally cars that were campaigned by Mercedes-Benz in the World Rally Championship from 1978-80. This is a 1:18 scale model and is made by the Ricko Company. They also make a plain 500SLC (no bullbar, etc) in either red or champagne. Cost is $65.00AUD. Send us an e-mail here if you are interested in this model.
Two other 1:18 scale models that we have in stock are a 1954 300SL Gullwing, as campaigned in the Pan Americana race. This was the race where the eagle smashed through the windscreen. Finally, we have a 1928 630K. All models come in a nice presentation box . Price for these two models is also $65.00 each. E-mail us if interested.
Special of the week.
This weeks special is a deal on the new range of model cars. Two cars for $120.00 plus $15.00 for Australia wide delivery for both of them. This is a saving of $20.00. Numbers will be limited so if you are interested ring John or Bob on our toll free number 1300 787 300. Or send Bob an e-mail.
The big news on the website.
Last newsletter I said progress was slow! Well it is now officially at a snails pace! However, this is because I want it right before I unleash it on the public, so bear with us please. If you click here, you will get to see the test site for the new version of the website. There have been a few changes since last time you looked. However it is still looking like mid March for the full change over. Please do not try to buy anything or sign up on the subscriptions page. Don't worry, all the back issues of the newsletter and the other information articles will be copied across. Please feel free to offer what ever praise or criticism you like by e-mail to me.
W116 heaters.
Over the last two weeks I have written a two part article for the Mercedes Veterans mailing list. Below is a copy of the first part. I will follow this up with part two in the next newsletter and some pictures that show what its all about.
The Australian cars had the same system as the European version and I believe the early US spec cars. Later US spec cars had a totally different climate control system..
-Firstly the Euro version of the W116 had ONE heater tap that, in true German style, is controlled by one of TWO switches. The heater tap is a basic valve that is controlled by a vacuum diaphragm. When you apply vacuum to the tap it reduces the flow to the heater core. When there is no vacuum to the tap, it is open. It is either off or on, there is no "somewhere in the middle". You can find your heater tap on the engine side of the firewall. It has a red vacuum line going into it.
- The vacuum supply to the tap is controlled by a pair of valves in the console that are linked to the two levers that control the heat. This, in my opinion, is one of the major design faults with this system. If you have a vacuum problem, the heater jams on rather then off!!
- The vacuum lines are laid out like this. Vacuum is sourced from the inlet manifold of the engine or, in the case of a diesel engine car, the vacuum pump. Somewhere on the fire wall, you should be able to see a heap of vacuum lines and one way valves. The valves are normally blue and the line that you want is normally red or red with a green stripe. From the fire wall, the red/green line disappears into the fire wall and comes out in the console. If you pull out the radio you should be able to see it. The vacuum line goes into a vacuum switch and then into another switch. On a RHD car the line goes into the r/h switch first and visa/versa on a LHD car. From the switches the line turns to a solid red line and goes back thru the firewall to the tap.
- When you sit in the car and lift the heat adjusting lever up and down it does more than just operate the switch mentioned above. It operates a complex series of levers and flaps that regulate the amount of heat that you get. Remember that the heater tap is either off or on? When you start to move the heat lever up, if the system is working correctly, you will notice that you need to overcome some initial resistance. This is the vacuum tap opening. The rest of the movement is the flaps over the heater core moving. These flaps control the amount of air that can flow over the heater core and thus the amount of heat that you get out the air vents.
-So how does it work? stay tuned for part two and the pictures....
Cars for dismantling.
Firstly, I have just realised that we have forgotten to inform you of a very interesting car that came in for dismantling about six weeks ago. It is a 1964 220SE COUPE. As far as I know it is the only W111 coupe to be dismantled here in Australia for some time! The tail lights are already gone and so is the rear bumper. So if you are looking for some hard to get Coupe parts send us an e-mail.
A few years ago there were several amendments made to the legislation covering the importation of used cars into Australia. It was jokingly called the "Rizzo amendment" by people in the industry. This was because all the amendments were to plug loop holes that a certain Mr Rizzo had spent his efforts exploiting. (this is another story in itself). Anyway one of the amendments was to ban the importation of complete cars for dismantling that were under 15 years old. Old Mr Rizzo had imported heaps of these cars supposedly to dismantle, but was using yet another loop hole to rebirth them and register them. These cars are commonly referred to as "illegal immigrants"
Anyway, there were heaps of these cars left here in Australia that were not registrable. Over the years we have had a few turn up that we have dismantled and I know a few other dismantlers that have wrecked some. I thought they had all been turned into recycled tin cans until the other day when a chap turned up with a 1989 190E that he wanted to sell. Sure enough it was one of the Rizzo cars......... Its a nice little car, with the late style body kit (looks like a 180E), it also has electric windows and a good cream MB-tex interior.
Not much happening on the car front! Same cars as last week, but with pictures of the E280 and the 500SEL. I think the 88 230E is sold and should know by the time this newsletter is published. We are rather keen to sell a few cars, so if you are interested in any of them, now might be the time to try and twist my arm......
Don't forget you can check out our cars for sale here!
C180 Sedan 1998 model.
"Update" C class model. 5 speed auto, air bags, cruise control 10 stack CD and all the other great C class features. Current C class alloys. Only 94000kms and full dealer service history. Green black with unmarked dove grey MB-tex interior. $31500.00AUDMore details
E280 Limited Edition Sedan 1995 model.

190E Sedan 1998 model.
$12500.00AUDMore details
C200 Sedan 1996 model.
Popular 2.0lt version C class model. 4 speed auto, air bags, cruise control 10 stack CD and all the other great C class features. Full dealer service history. Green black with unmarked dove grey MB-tex interior. $29990.00AUDMore details
230E Sedan 1988 model.
172000kms Climate control, tilt action sun roof, electric windows, alloys, Beautiful white duco and unmarked tan MB-tex interior. $14990.00AUDMore details
380SE Sedan 1983 model.
Not often you see one of these in this condition anymore. Immaculate dove grey leather and burled walnut interior. Original Becker radio, Cruise control, original alloys, etc. Only 179000kms, two owners and full Mercedes-Benz dealer service history. NSW rego till December. $12500.00AUDMore details 500SEL Sedan 1984 model.

230E Sedan 1986 model.
196000kms and service history. Climate control, cruise control, external temp gauge, electric windows, Beautiful silver duco and unmarked tan MB-tex interior. $12990.00AUDMore details
560SEL Sedan 1986 model.

So that's it for another newsletter. Hope you liked what you saw. If you have any ideas or want to contribute any articles, pictures or other material please e-mail me here. Also, don't forget that you can check out the old newsletters here
Thanks, John Green.