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Newsletter No.047 Things are changing, Discount rubber seals, Concours results

Please note that some of the links in this Newsletter may no longer be active as we update this site regularly
M.B Spares & Service

14 Lyell st Fyshwick ACT 2609
Ph 1300 787 300 Fax (02) 6280 4596

Supporting Australia's Mercedes-Benz
Owners on the Web since 1996.

Newsletter Number 47
23rd September 2002

Hello and welcome to another newsletter.

Hello again.  Big newsletter this time. Firstly there is the big news about our new larger workshop. Next is some exciting specials on our new range of rubber seals and finally the results and pictures from the ACT club concours. Hope you enjoy it.

John Green.

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Things are changing...!

The next few months will see many changes in our business.  The most significant of which is that our workshop is moving into larger premises.  During early October we are going to be moving the workshop into the building next door.  This will give us an 8 bay workshop.  The area in the old building where the workshop currently is, will be redeveloped as a dismantling and spare parts facility.  Currently our cars for dismantling are stored outside, which is a less than desirable situation.  We are also purchasing heaps of new equipment including a two post hoist big enough to lift the Sprinters and a  NEW diagnostic system that is 100% upto date with all current models Mercedes-Benz's.

With all these changes we have two new staff and a shift of responsibilities for another staff member.  We welcome Mick and Justin to our business.  Mick is a qualified mechanic with 8 years experience.  Justin is starting with us as a 1st year apprentice. Bob Edwards, who has been with us for many years, is putting down his tools and joining Les Ingram at the front counter.  Bob will be handling all spare parts enquiries from now on. 

As part of a total restructure of the business, we are streamlining some aspects of the website as well.  Have a look here for a new page that explains (hopefully) all aspects of buying spares from us.  We are also changing most of the e-mail links on the site so that the mail goes to the right person.

Spare parts enquires are handled by Bob Edwards

Service enquiries are handled by Les Ingram 


Discount rubber seals


Check out this list of discounted rubber seals. These are all limited stock and will sell quickly.  All of these seals are genuine German rubber, not cheap Asian copies.  The list price is what they sell for from a Mercedes-Benz dealer here in Australia. All prices are in Australian dollars. The rubbers with no discount price beside them, are available but not at quite the same discounted price.

 If you are interested in any of them and wish to place an order please check out this page first. (you will find an exchange rate converter there)  To order from within Australia, please ring 1300 787 300 and speak to Bob.  To order from outside Australia please send an e-mail 

108 670 02 39 SEAL FRONT SCREEN W108 $99.00 $460.38
110 670 01 39 SEAL REAR SCREEN SEDAN $85.00 $415.01
115 670 00 39 SEAL FRONT SCREEN $75.00 $218.31
115 670 07 39 SEAL FRONT SCREEN W114 COUPE $90.00 $220.48
121 671 01 20 SEAL FRONT SCREEN 190SL $200.00 $438.76
107 678 04 20 SEAL REAR SCREEN SLC $165.00 $309.53
111 720 63 78 N/S/F DOOR RUBBER COUPE $220.00 $592.18
111 720 64 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER COUPE $220.00 $592.18
113 720 07 78 N/S DOOR RUBBER $185.00 $343.71
113 720 08 78 O/S DOOR RUBBER $185.00 $343.71
115 720 05 78 N/S DOOR RUBBER CE $125.00 $216.17
115 720 06 78 O/S DOOR RUBBER CE $125.00 $216.17
115 720 07 78 N/S/R DOOR RUBBER $99.00 $249.66
115 720 08 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER $99.00 $249.66
123 720 05 78 N/S DOOR RUBBER SEAL EARLY C123 $125.00 $269.48
123 720 06 78 O/S DOOR RUBBER SEAL EARLY C123 $125.00 $269.48
123 720 11 78 N/S DOOR RUBBER SEAL LATE C123 $120.00 $252.14
123 720 12 78 O/S DOOR RUBBER SEAL LATE C123 $120.00 $252.14
123 720 15 78 N/S F DOOR RUBBER LATE   $248.57
123 720 16 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER LATE   $248.57
124 720 11 78 N/S/F DOOR RUBBER   $208.37
124 720 12 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER   $208.37
126 720 01 78 N/S F DOOR RUBBER   $259.23
126 720 02 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER   $259.23
126 720 03 78 N/S F DOOR RUBBER SEC $145.00 $272.86
126 720 04 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER SEC $145.00 $272.86
201 720 05 78 N/S/F DOOR RUBBER   $185.66
201 720 06 78 O/S/F DOOR RUBBER   $185.66
110 730 05 78 N/S/R DOOR RUBBER    
115 730 13 78 N/S/R DOOR