Newsletter No.028 D-jet injection, 540K part two

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Owners on the Web since 1996.
Newsletter Number 28
Hello and welcome to another newsletter.
We have tracked down the owner of the 630K, the second part of this amazing story is below. We are all busy getting ready for the Mercedes-Benz club 25th birthday bash next weekend. The workshop will be a busy place on the preceeding Friday and Saturday with some of the keen interstate attendies booking hoists to clean their 190SL's and other such fine cars. See you there if you are going to attend. Don't forget to check out the scoop on our site of the week.
John Green.
Any questions? Or you want to get off the list? E-mail us here.
Number plate for sale.
Behrad Behrady one of our newsletter readers has e-mailed me about a number plate he is wishing to sell. It is a NSW plate MY CLK. It is the ultimate plate for when you buy a CLK 55. (Just don't let Mick Dohan drive it). You can e-mail him here for some more details. Any other newsletter members with unusual things for sale? Feel free to e-mail me with the details.
Fuel injection explained
After the sucess of the Central locking articles, I thought I might tackle fuel injection. Mercedes-Benz introduced computerised fuel injection in 1969 on the 250CE and the 280SE 3.5. When the W116 series was released in 1973 it was standard on the V8's (350/450) and the 280SE. In fact Mercedes-benz have never sold a V8 that did not have fuel injection! This Bosch designed system was used until 1976. Have a look here for some info on the system. It looks complicated I know, and it was the complexity of the system that eventually caused MB designers to dump it in favour of the much simpler k-jetronic system in late 1976. The system works like this:
The fuel is delivered to the engine at approx 3bar by an electric fuel pump that is situated under the fuel tank with the fuel filter. The fuel lines go straight to to the rail that the injectors are connected to. This rail also has a return to the fuel tank for excess fuel. This return is controlled by a regulator that is set to 2bar and a damper that stops the fuel from pulsing as a result of how it comes from the pump. The pump runs when the engine ignition is on.
So we have all this fuel pumped up with nowhere to go? Each cylinder has its own injector that has to deliver exactly the right amount of fuel at the right time. The injectors on the d-jetronic version are called solinoid injectors. They are electronic and are best described as an electronic valve. They can be opened for a varying length of time which means that a varying amount of fuel can be injected. The amount of fuel that is required to make the engine happy varies between a hot and cold engine. If the driver wants to accelerate the engine needs more fuel than when you are just coasting. Etc, Etc, Etc. This ever changing need for fuel is controlled by the computer.
The computer has several inputs that help it decide when and for how long to make the injector work. These are:
Inlet manifold vacuum sensor
Engine coolant temperature sensor
Inlet air temp sensor
Throttle position sensor
Trigger points The information of all these is processed and the injector opening time and length of opening is determined. There is also an extra injector that is only used on cold starts that delivers some extra fuel.
Next newsletter we will tackle the various sensors that make it all work.
An amazing story (part2).
If you don't know about the story of the 630K go back to the last newsletter and check out the story up to date.
Here is an update of the story. We faxed the head of the Classic centre in Germany and found that Mr Veen was a Swiss customer of theirs and got his mobile phone number. We tried it several time, but with no sucess. After doing some rough calculations we worked out that he was most likely crossing the Nullabor so we guessed that mobile phone coverage would not be very good.
As mentioned last newsletter we know that Mr Veen was travelling with an other couple in a 1916 Rolls Royce. After talking to Wolf Grodd from Sleeping Beauty in Brisbane we found out the name and business phone number of the Roll Royce pilot. He turned out to be a Doctor with an office in Sydney. We rang the number and talked to his secretary. She faxed us a copy of there itinerary. It was a very detailed document with every motel name and phone number from the WA/SA border to Canberra!
Next step was to send letters with an invitation to attend the MBCACT 25th Anniversary Concoruse and dinner to a few of these motels hoping that one would reach him. Last Friday we succeeded and Mr Venn rang us. He is going to come to the dinner on the Saturday night and attend the Concours on the Sunday. I will get some better pictures of this truly amazing car for the next newsletter. Stay tuned for the next part of the story..........
Site of the week.
Its a little known fact that Microsoft is releasing a second OS this week. Have a look here for the scoop on it before the world wide release next week. Make sure to check out Word and the paperclip :-) ........ (Thanks to Geoff Cohen for sending this to me)
Cars for Sale.
Lots more action this week, all of a sudden we have so many cars coming and going it is hard to keep up. All three cars from the last newsletter have been sold. We brought in a 1987 190E on Monday and it also is sold. This week we have a very neat one owner 180E and a high milage but in excellent condition 380SE. Have a look here at our Cars for Sale page.
180E sedan 1992 model.

380SEL sedan 1984 model.

So that's it for another newsletter. Hope you liked what you saw. If you have any ideas or want to contribute any articles, pictures or other material please e-mail me here. Also don't forget that you can check out the old newsletters here
Thanks, John Green.